What is IIMSAM?

The Intergovernmental Institution for the use of micro algae Spirulina against malnutrition (IIMSAM) is an Autonomous Entity within Article Five (5) of the Convention (CISRI-ISP) for co-operation in scientific research and humanitarian use of micro-alga spirulina as food. Registered under United Nations Treaty Series No. 37542-37543, dated 12th June 2001; in accordance with the Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. IIMSAM was granted Inter-governmental Observer status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (Under United Nations Economic and Social Council Resolution E/212/2003 5th of March 2003). Designated by the United Nations Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC) IIMSAM is one of the twenty (20) Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs) which are accredited as observers to the United Nations Economic and Social Council at UNHQ in New York on a continuing basis under rule 79 of the rules of procedure of the Council and Section 74 of the regulations procedure of the functional commissions. IIMSAM is Mandated to disseminate Spirulina as a Humanitarian Instrument in fighting severe malnutrition worldwide. IIMSAM works to promote the use of Spirulina against severe malnutrition and related illnesses. IIMSAM has an International Panel of Experts that provide technological,scientific,and operational support and biological and engineering advice. These include some of the world’s leading experts on Spirulina: