
IIMSAM & DVN signed MOU to bring spirulina to an unprecedented one million children as well as 50 kg spirulina to IIMSAM per month for 1 year to its flagship programme the SH. Zayed free spirulina distribution centre in Kisumu for expansion.

(Pictures Depicts). IIMSAM/DXN Team – From Left to Right: IIMSAM’S GOODWILL AMBASSADOR Chairman – Datuk Dr. Lim Siow Jin –
SG. R. Maradona – International-Businessman & Goodwill Ambassador of IIMSAM IN UAE – Mr. Jaber Al Behandy – DXN – Mr. Mathews Kuncheria-Managing Director – IIMSAM-Sp. Adviser Mr. Tarik Al Behandy – MR. Judith N.K. INT’L-Managing Director – MR. Saleem Shajeer – Director-Marketing. ( DXN-HQ-KEDAH MALAYSIA.)
IIMSAM recognizes that malnutrition is the biggest challenge to secure the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda and the fact that the Covid-19 Pandemic further aggravates the present situation. Despite this ongoing Pandemic, the corporate social responsibility of the economic institutions can play a significant role in mitigating the situation. Investing financial resources, in this case, DXN to stem the loss of lives worldwide by various means is not only a prudent decision but also has significant returns that aid towards building a better and more inclusive and just world.

Comments by the SG-R. MARADONA:
“On behalf of the Autonomous Intergovernmental the use of Micro-algae Spirulina Against Malnutrition (IIMSAM.), “I want to express my sincere appreciation to the IIMSAM/DXN Team specifically our Goodwill Ambassador of IIMSAM in UAE – Mr. Jaber Al Behandy and IIMSAM Sp. Adviser Mr. Tariq Al Behandy, who were the catalyst that brought about the possibilities of this Strategic-Partnership and Spear-Headed the eventual MOU signing after a two year haitus. Also, Mr. Mathews Kuncheria-Managing Director, Mr. Jijith N.K. Int’l – Managing Director and Mr. Saleem Shajeer Marketing Director. last but not least, The Founder and Chairman Datuk Dr. Lim Siow Jin your grand humanitarian gesture to contribute an In-Kind DXN-Spirulina to one million children for 90 days 3grams of spirulina daily.” Is unprecedented.” As well as provide 50 Kg Spirulina to IIMSAM per month for 1 Year to its flagship programme the Sh. Zayed Free Spirulina Distribution Centre in Kisumu, Kenya, to supplement the local cultivation at Centre to increase our capacity to reach out to the remote areas of Kisumu.”

Comments by IIMSAM’s GWA- DXN-Founder and Chairman Datuk Dr. Lim Siow Jin:
“I would like to extend my compliments to the IIMSAM & DXN Team of our Strategic-Partnership that will be championing the IIMSAM Mandate and the UN Decade of Action 2020—2030. To achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), launched in New York by the UN-General Assembly in September of 2015 and to be reached by 2030 as I look forward to working closely along with Secretary-General Maradona and our team in achieving our goals. For IIMSAM is a leap forward into the future that will enable us to improve the lives of children and others participating in our humanitarian programmes in particular providing one million children with 3 grams of Spirulina daily for three months. As well as expanding the IIMSAM Flagship Spirulina Programme in Kenya.” Hopefully will be able to start immediately Post Covid-19 Pandemic.”
DXN – One of the largest Malaysian companies. DXN was founded in 1993 by IIMSAM’S Goodwill Ambassador in Malaysia Chairman Datuk Dr. Lim Siow Jin. The core business activities of DXN include but not limited-to: The cultivation, manufacturing and marketing of health food supplements including Spirulina. The rapid global expansion of DXN is recognized internationally by its vast growth of members worldwide and its amplification of footprint in key strategic locations around the world. Its Headquarters in Kedah – Malaysia. SOURCE: DXN ASIA OFFICIAL SITE: