International Experts Facilitators Panel

Professor Yunming LuProfessor Yunming Lu

One of the World’s leading spirulina experts and considered by many in the People’s Republic of China the Spirulina Father
Special Adviser/Expert of the Secretary General in the P.R.C. & Chairperson of the IIMSAM Spirulina International Panel of Experts




Dr.Theodore SotiroudisDr.Theodore Sotiroudis

Dr.Theodore Sotiroudis is IIMSAM’s Scientific Expert and Technology Facilitator from the Hellenic Republic Greece. He was born in Athens in 1946. He graduated from the Department of Chemistry, University of Athens, Greece in 1970. From 1972 to 1976 he was a postgraduate scholar of the National Hellenic Research Foundation and he obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of Athens in 1977. Since 1977 he has been researcher of NHRF, and since 1995 Director of Research in IBRB/NHRF. He is group leader of the Programme ”Enzymology”.

During 1982 and 1985 he worked on protein phosphorylation as a postdoctoral Scientist, holder of EMBO fellowships at the University of Dundee, Scotland and at the University of Bochum, Germany respectively. From 1986 to 1987 and from 1990 to 1991 he worked as an invited Visitor Scientist at W.Alton Jones Cell Science Center Inc., Lake Placid, New York, where he collaborated with Senior Research Scientists of the Center on Protein Microcharacterization and Molecular Biology research projects respectively. He also collaborated for many years with Prof. Gordon Sato, member of the Academy of Sciences of USA and Director of W.Alton Jones Cell Science Center Inc., on the ”Manzanar Project”, a humanitarian effort for the alleviation of poverty, hunger, environmental pollution, and global warming through sea water aquaculture and silviculture in deserts.


During the last years, he has focused on three research targets of Industrial Biotechnology: (a) The understanding of the effect of oxidative processes on the quality of virgin olive oil and other plant foods of Mediterranean Diet and the development of methodologies for the estimation of the oxidative status in food products, as well as the production of active biomolecules from plant material,(b) The culture of microalgae (especially Spirulina sp. (Arthrospira sp.)), aiming on the production of functional foods, nutraceuticals and cosmetics; in this respect, Dr. Sotiroudis is a Scientific Advisor of the Greek Spirulina Company ALGAE A.C. ( and (c) The production of biodiesel from non-edible seed oils and microalgae.

He has more than 30 years of research experience in protein chemistry and enzymology. He has published more than 110 research articles, 61 of which are in peer reviewed international journals, and he is a patent holder that has resulted in the development of a novel homogeneous enzyme immunoassay for T3/T4 in serum. His research activities are financed by competitive grants awarded by the Hellenic General Secretariat of Research & Technology, the European Union as well as by private sources. He was honoured with the 2006 Archer Daniels Midland/Protein and Co-products Division Best Paper Award in the chemistry/nutrition category of the American Oil Chemists’ Society. He has been invited to give lectures at many International and Greek Conferences and was member of the Organizing Committees of International and Greek Congresses. He has taught in post-graduate courses of Hellenic Universities and in the common educational programme of W.Alton Jones Cell Science Center with Clarkson University in USA, and he has been supervisor of 11 Ph.D. theses. He is a member of various International and Greek Scientific Societies and a reviewer in international scientific journals and of research proposals in EU and Greece. He is presently a member of the Scientific Council of IBRB. He has been a member of the Administrative Council of NHRF and an Acting Director of IBRB.




Dr. Charles L. Roe, Ph. D.Dr. Charles L. Roe, Ph. D.

Dr. Roe is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Co-founder of Algisys, a biotech company focused on producing nutritional oils and high protein additives for the supplement, food & beverage, animal feed, and pharmaceutical industries. Prior to Algisys, he co-founded and served as the CTO for Biofuel Producers of America (dba Algae Producers, Inc.), which is a diversified algae and biofuels company.[ READ FULL BIO ]



Mr. Joseph KirahagazweMr. Joseph Kirahagazwe

Joseph Kirahagazwe, Spirulina Expert and Principal Adviser to the Director-General of IIMSAM for Burundi. Mr. Kirahagazwe grew up in one of the poorest countries in the world, Burundi. He was an outstanding student Après de at the University of Burundi, where he became a professor of literature. He was appointed to the cabinet of the President of Burundi. He is best known in his country for his theater texts which have won 3 times the first prize in national competitions, before his exile in France in 1998, where he continued his successful theatrical talent. In France, he developed as well private enterprises in partnership with international firms.

He became a Spirulina advocate in 2006 learning all about its benefits, culture cultivation, marketing it and using it as a pivotal tool to combat his country’s severe malnutrition amongst the Burundi population.

He created the NGO “Spirulina et Malnutrition: Solidarité France-Burundi” in order to begin the Spirulina feeding programme. He trained and graduated in seaweed, spirulina speciality. He has been harvesting Spirulina cultivation and training the locals on how to harvest it. Mr. Kirahagazwe has been a special guest as well as hosted several conferences on the benefits of Spirulina in Burundi and France.

Mr. J. Kirahagazwe will be working with IIMSAM in advocacy with the government of Burundi, an official member of the IIMSAM Treaty.



Dr. Jean Louis Vidalo, M.D.Dr. Jean Louis Vidalo, M.D.

Dr. Jean Louis Vidalo, M.D., IIMSAM’s International Expert on Spirulina is a specialist in experimental medicine and sport medicine. Dr. Vidalo is the Chairman of the Medical Institute Hippocampe, located in Geneva, Switzerland. He has worked for over fifteen years on various varieties of Spirulina, their development and production.

To realize his ambition of a world free of hunger and malnutrition, Dr. Vidalo’s research on the micro-algae always included R&D on nutritional aspects for human beings along with pharmaceuticals aspects and bio-energy considerations; and also its industrial processing.

Dr. JL Vidalo was the personal consultant to President H.E. Ange Patasse of the Central African Republic and in-charge of the Research & Development Project of Spirulina Farm from 1993 to 2003. He is an integral part of the European programme for photo-bio reactors SINTHE, sponsored by the chemical and pharmaceutical Group Solvay in the Acores Islands.

Dr. Vidalo is the legal developer and owner of a patent on Production of Spirulina with High Active Elements Contents known as ‘Spiruline HTPA’. He is also in-charge of High scale development programs on Spirulina in Tunisia and also in-charge of humanitarian projects on Spirulina in Senegal and Ivory Coast. Dr. Vidalo is the author of a comprehensive book on Spirulina; “Spirulina, Health and well being algae” which has been published by Le Dauphin- Paris.



Dr. Salomón ShamoshDr. Salomón Shamosh
IIMSAM’s Spirulina Expert And Technical Director For Regional Office In Mexico & Chief of Spirulina Farm Cultivation in Chile

Candidate for doctorate of the Doctoral Program in Philosophy of Science and research fellow in ways of healthy life, across genomic nutrition, microalgae and Mesoamerica’s ancient food, in the University Program of Food (PUAL) of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). 2009

Master of Philosophy of Science in the Institute of Philosophical Research, UNAM. Obtaining the Master Degree with the thesis: History, nutrition, health and ecology to generate strategies of communication on the Spirulina (A. maxima). 2009

Specialist in human nutrition (Solarium Biotechnology, Chile). 2006

Surgeon dentist graduated from the UAM (Autonomous Metropolitan University). 2002

Representative in Mexico, active member and lecturer of the Foundation FISS, (International Federation of Scientific Societies).

Lecturer and researcher fellow of the Foundation ELIC (Free Schools of Scientific Research for Children.

Founder of the Mexican company Essential Food for the Humanity SA, dedicated to the rescue of the uses and customs of ancient food like Spirulina.

Teacher of philosophy and history of the people of Israel in the Great Foundation Fraternitas Universales, dedicated to the diffusion of the culture and the knowledge.

Active member and lecturer in the Center of General Studies: “Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares” dedicated to four basic areas of the human knowledge: Philosophy, Science, Didactics and Art.

Lecturer in Congresses with more than 500 conferences on Spirulina among those who stand out:

June, 2005, Lecturer in the International Seminar of the Foundation Inveciecias in the University of Trieste, Italy, with the topic: Biomedical Aspects of Spirulina maxima.

October, 2005, Lecturer in the Fourth World Congress of Scientific Societies in Bogota, Colombia, with the topic: Study of the effects of the diet with Spirulina maxima (Arthrospira) on the oxidative stress associated with cellular aging.

August, 2006: Participation like exhibitor in the Conference “Towards Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary knowledge”, that was carried out in the School of Law of the UNAM, across the Seminar of Philosophy of the Law.

October, 2006, Lecturer in the Fourth World Congress of the Talent of The Children in Cuenca, Ecuador, with the topic: Nourishment for a Talented infancy: Spirulina maxima.

October, 2007, Lecturer in the Fifth World Congress of Scientific Youths, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, with the topic: Nutrition within reach of all. Healthy people, educated people: a historical and philosophical approach of the epistemology of the nourishment.

October, 2009, Lecturer in the Sixth World Congress of Scientific Youths, in the UNAM, Mexico D.F., with the topic: Spirulina maxima, History and biomedical Aspects. Academic responsible for the seminar: ” The Real History of Israel’s Mystery “, in which there treat each other topics related to the history and the philosophy of the People of Israel.