
IIMSAM Goodwill Ambassador H.E. Mr.Mohamed Elsayed F. Saad in Ghana Distributes Food Items to the Underprivileged
Newly Appointed Goodwill Ambassador in Ghana Businessman & Founder-Managing Director of Warif-Group International H.E. Mohamed Elsayed Farahad Saad Delivers Steadfastly “Concrete Deeds” in Ghana to Help School for the Blind in Support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 through the IIMSAM Mandate & the United Nations System for a Better World
Only a week after been appointed by Secretary General R. Maradona of IIMSAM His Excellency Saad delivers help to the blind and others in need. The Goodwill Ambassador stated the following for the IIMSAM Newsletter:
“Greetings, to His Excellency Secretary General Remigio Maradona. I would like to thank you again for giving me the confidence and trust to represent the IIMSAM Intergovernmental humanitarian organization. Thus, I will work hard to be your good representative. The good is to take humanitarian concerns of the poor, share their concerns, their hunger and support them without violating their human dignity…God Almighty says in the Nisa verse 36 “Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him…” As Arabs we have the responsibility to use the Qur’an as a way of life to help the needy. I URGE ALL THE Arab Ambassadors that are members of our Secretariat to step up and help the Secretary General implement the IIMSAM Mandate…Together we shall spread Spirulina humanitarian products free to the needy not only to Ghana, but everywhere in West-Africa regardless of religion… I will stride to reach every child, every house hold in Ghana my starting point and beyond and we ask God to help us on this. Your Excellency…I have issued to my office in Ghana to start the process of conversion of all our activities into the IIMSAM umbrella including all our infrastructure for the eventual distribution of Spirulina on a massive scale and to pave the road map for an action plan under IIMSAM…My first action as a Goodwill Ambassador was to issue my orders to distribute clothes to 1,000 families, 100 schools and 20 charitable organizations including the school for the blind showed in this newsletter.”
2016 – Set “Concrete Deed” to be Implemented by H.E. Saad: Ghana has been set as a primary target to receive the Spirulina Super Bar sponsored by H.E. Saad and other stakeholders during the latter part of February early March 2016. The goodwill contribution will suffice 2500-3000 needy children suffering from malnutrition and other related illnesses to receive the Spirulina Super Bar on a sustainable basis. An IIMSAM Spirulina Distribution Centre will be set up by H.E. Saad replicating the IIMSAM Sheikh Zayed Spirulina Free Distribution Centre in Kenya within days. Thus, an infrastructure complex already exists and owned by H.E. Saad which will be converted for the distribution of free spirulina to the needy.
The Secretary General R. Maradona will be dispatching a spirulina experts team from the IIMSAM Kenyan Centre to Ghana to advise on the “know how” of the Spirulina Culture and growing spirulina for humanitarian purposes. His Excellency will be championing the IIMSAM cause in support of the IIMSAM Mandate and the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 in order to achieve the ambitious Goals, launched by the UN in September and to be reached by 2030. In particular purview of IIMSAM’s Mandate SDG #2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
Selected Humanitarian Concrete Deeds:
H.E. Mr. Mohamed Elsayed Farahat Saad steadfastly carry out only a week after he was appointed Goodwill Ambassador for IIMSAM in Ghana below pictures show IIMSAM Team distributing

At left: IIMSAM’s Newly appointed GWA H.E. Mr. Mohamed Elsayed F. Saad receiving Goodwill Ambassador Credential Certificate from Secretary General R. Maradona. The GWA H.E. Saad displaying the recently made IIMSAM-Hashbiotech Spirulina Nutrition Chocolate Super Bar contains an unprecedented 5+ grams of spirulina is specially designed for the children of war effected zone of Middle East, African Civil Strife Zones and others.
Comments by the Secretary-General of IIMSAM R. Maradona: “It is an honor for me to have appointed a truly “Humanitarian Extraordinaire”…His Excellency Saad, with an impressive humanitarian record as a deeply devoted Muslim who cares about those who are less fortunate than him. Ambassador Saad’s involvement with IIMSAM will assist in the Institutional Development of IIMSAM in the Republic of Ghana West-Africa, a Nation of strategic importance to launch our programmes to the West African Region…His Excellency has conveyed his wishes to put all of his humanitarian activities under the IIMSAM umbrella as an expression of his desire to formalized and provide continuous and sustainable humanitarian “Concrete Deeds” through the IIMSAM Mandate in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030. Ambassador Saad has steadfastly acted with a “Concrete Deeds” only shortly after I have appointed him and currently under his guidance he is converting all his humanitarian activities and building infrastructures under IIMSAM’s umbrella…I am deeply moved by the grand gesture of humanitarianism and unwavering support and commitment he has for IIMSAM’s Mandate.”

Did You Know?
According to UNICEF: Every five seconds a child under the age of five dies from hunger or hunger-related diseases somewhere in the world.